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Service Dog Phase 2



Take your dog's training to the next level with more complex training concepts that include generalizing (working on different locations), discrimination (responding correctly to the cue), and proofing (introducing distractions). You'll learn advanced training techniques including targeting, behavior chains, and "Shaping," which builds confidence, increases your dog's thinking and problem-solving abilities, and gives you a useful technique to teach countless behaviors.


Phase 2 includes:

  • Continuing the behaviors learned in Basic Good Manners and Phase 1 classes

  • Socialization discussion and activities

  • Understanding desensitization and counter-conditioning

  • How to use Shaping to train behaviors

  • Challenging Leave It and recalls (“Come”) that involve resisting food, toys, people, and other distractions

  • Training your dog to walk on your right side, Go to Place, and Under (Down-Stay under a table or chair) 

  • Teaching your dog to ignore offered attention during Polite Greetings

  • Incorporating Sit, Down, turns, and pace changes while walking in Heel position

  • Training foundation behaviors for task work: paw-targeting, Back Up, and Chin Rest

  • Discussing the importance of husbandry procedures

  • Applying advanced training concepts including generalization, proofing, and discrimination


Graduation requirements to enroll in Phase 3:

  • Attend at least five out of six classes

  • Sit and focus on handler when approached by enthusiastic person

  • Leave It with food on a low table

  • Heel with Sit, Down, turns, and pace changes

  • Under without luring, and remaining for one minute

  • Come when called past major distractions

  • Down-Stay with dogs walking within five feet

  • Down-Stay for two minutes with handler five feet away


Service Dog Phase 2 class meets for 60 minutes on Tuesday evenings each week at Peaceable Paws in Fairplay, MD. Enrollment is limited to 6 dogs per class. Prerequisite: Graduation from Service Dog Phase 1 class. 

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